
Need support with reprioritising your project portfolio?

Changing times demand reprioritised project portfolios

In these times of rapid change and uncertainty, many project intensive organizations are facing changes in how they prioritise their project portfolios. New conditions and having to reorganise activities in these times all have an impact, replacing older priorities for the new and also for planning for the “new normal” after the current situation is over.

One of those new conditions is that more and more employees are working remotely from home than ever before, making it especially important to use smart software tools that enable collaboration while protecting everyone's health. Doing so makes it possible to manage the business and progress securely, no matter where you or your colleagues are located.

Antura has a long track record of supporting PMOs in a variety of organizations and industries working across multiple locations, including helping them in measuring and reprioritising their project portfolios in constantly changing times.

Do you want to know more about how Antura Projects can support your project organization in changing times? Please fill in your details in the form below and we will contact you as soon as we can.

I would like to know more about how Antura Projects can support with reprioritising our project portfolio